Spam Bot Para Mac

Advanced Anti-Spam. Getting tired of seeing other bots detecting legit messages as spam? The powerful anti-spam has few false positives and detects almost all spam.

Warning!: Vote bot sometimes take same time to respond to requests like commands if that’s the case please do not spam any command. If the bot is not answering after some seconds feel free to contact our support here or here


  1. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to use our bot. DreamBot is the most user friendly bot available today. You'll be up and running in under 3 minutes, with almost no setup required. Our client runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux! We're always looking for ways to make things easier for you, it's one of our main priorities.
  2. RPG-Bot This is an IRC- Bot written in Java (based in the PIRC- Bot POP3 Spam Filter Proxy POP3 Spam Filter Proxy is a multiuser POP3 proxy written Flirt Facebook Friend Adder Facebook friend adder bot application for Mac OS X that Farmville Bot Love Farmville but sick of the hundred and hundreds of Yahoo bot last visit Display the last time.
Spam Bot Para Mac

VoteBot is back again, and it’s better than before (at least I tried to make it better than before) so make sure to take a look at the features to see what’s new. If you’re just here to see the old version of the bot take a look at the legacy branch


  • Ability to create votes that are displayed in Embeds
  • Ability to add and remove options after creating votes (v!addoption, v!removeoption)
  • Ability to vote via Discord Reactions
  • Ability to vote for more than one option (Limit can be specified by the creator)
  • Ability to change his previous vote (Limit can also be changed by the creator)
  • Ability to create a PieChart when the vote is finished
  • An interactive setup for creating votes (v!create)
  • Ability to specify default settings (v!settings) and use them via v!quickcreate or the auto keyword
  • Protection from removing VoteBot’s reactions from the message to prevent manipulation
  • All user votes are getting displayed anonymously
  • Ability to change the title of the vote after its creation
  • Ability to have more than one message which listens for votes
  • The word Ability got mentioned exactly 10 times in this list and I am sorry for that

Where can I invite the bot?

Right here

Why does the bot need MESSAGE_MANAGE and MESSAGE_EXT_EMOTES permissions?

MESSAGE_MANAGE: The bot removes every reaction from vote messages to keep the user votes anonymously and removes user input from the interactive setup.
MESSAGE_EXT_EMOTES: The most messages of the bot contains self design emotes which are saved on our Emotes guild.

Why does the bot remove all reactions from votes?


Spam Bot Download Mac


The bot does that to keep user votes anonymously you can see the amount of votes directly next to the option text in the embed.

Can I take a look at the source code?

Spam bot for mac

Sure it’s right here

Spam Bot Para Mac Descargar

I found a bug where can I report it?

You can report bugs on our issue tracker